NCPD Stakeholders Database System


National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) coordinates the activities of Governmental and Non- Governmental organizations (NGOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and the Private Sector to implement different components of the Population Policy for National Development in particular and the Population and Development Programme in General in Kenya. Coordination of these players is imperative to enable them effectively contribute to the attainment of the goal of the policy, that is, ‘’To “Attain a high quality of life for the population of Kenya which is secure, healthy, broadly educated, trained and empowered for sustainable development.”
To attain this goal, effective coordination of the implementation of the Population Policy for National Development is required to minimize concentration of implementers in one location, duplication of effort and wastage of resources.
In order for the NCPD to undertake effective coordination of the implementation of Population and Development activities by various stakeholders in Kenya, a database with requisite information of these stakeholders is required.
The main objective of developing NCPD web based online database of stakeholders implementing Population and Development activities is to enable these stakeholders to minimize duplication of efforts and enhance efficient use of resources in the implementation of population policy and programme in Kenya.

Specific Objectives!

Query The National Database

Query By County

This is where you can query programs implemented by County

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Query By Program

This is where you can query by programs implemented

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Query By Target Population

This is where you can query programs implemented by target Population

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Query By Organization

This is where you can query programs by name of organization

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